Monday 14 May 2012

Radian Measure

Today topic is about trigonometry. I am going to review cahpter 4.1. This chapter is about radian measure. I am going to tell you how we can measure the redian and degree. The main question you would have is that what is radian? Radian is the ratio between the length of an arc and its radius.The radian is the standard unit of angular measure, used in many areas of math. Here is a picture that you can understand better. Arc lentgh divided by radius is one radian.
Now that we know what is radian, we are going to know how we can measure it. The frist obtion is that if we have degree how we can measure it to radian?  The formula is that if we degree measure and we want to measure it to radian we should use this formula: 

 \mbox{angle in radians} = \mbox{angle in degrees} \cdot \frac {\pi} {180^\circ}
On the other hand if we have radian, and we want to measure degree we should use this formula:

 \mbox{angle in degrees} = \mbox{angle in radians} \cdot \frac {180^\circ} {\pi}

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Rational Function

Today, I am going to explain for you what is the Rational function and we do some example to find the horizantel asymptote and vertical asymptote. first of all, I want to start with the basic form of rational function. I would like you to explain with one useful video, so you can listen to it and learn better.
You can also watch this website for learning more.